Normal - Coffee + Donuts
Storyboard | Illustration
Normal - Coffee + Donuts is one of the assignment done during School of Motion - Illustration for Motion class. The challenge is to create a pitch for an ad campaign for a new boutique coffee and donut shop called Normal Coffee. This exercise focuses on character design.
My role: Illustration
Teaching Assistance (TA): Anne Saint-Louis
Styleframe - Male version
It was pretty straightforward as the brief has provided with the camera shot and the colors. Therefore, I focused on who the character is in the shot and created a hip-hop dancer.

A male hip-hop dancer getting his morning fixed with coffee and donuts.
Styleframe - Female, diversity version
A female tennis player getting her morning fixed with coffee and donuts.
This time round, the client brief has changed to focus on female afro with an additional action frame. I would have to consider changing colors around to fit the overall framestyle.
Had a great one with this exercise!